"Truly the new National Civil Rights Museum," said Faith Morris, Director of Marketing, Governmental, and Community Affairs, to the small group waiting for an official tour in the museum's new atrium lobby. Work began on the renovation in 2012 at the insistence of Museum President Beverly Robinson, who felt that the expansion was necessary to fulfill its mission statement. "This is personal to me, she said of the museum's mission. "No matter what race or creed, you all should be able to find your voice."
The tour introduced several new additions to the museum, including a civil
rights history featurette and a "Culture of Resistance" exhibit that chronicles the trans-Atlantic and American slave trade. Interactive digital displays, new video monitors, and sound systems have been added to exhibits, like the Birmingham bus boycott, Dr. King's Birmingham jail cell, and the Memphis sanitation department garbage truck.
Through increased interaction with exhibits like the Woolworth's lunch counter "sit-in," visitors are invited to experience life as a civil rights activist.
Shelby County Mayor Mark Luttrell spoke along with Ms. Robinson at a reception following the tour. "April 4 of '68 is a moment you never forget," he said. "Today we have children who don't know the history of the civil rights movement. For them, Martin Luther King, Jr. is just a name in a book; but here they can actually see it."
"There's no excuse for you to have a friend who's never been to the Civil Rights Museum," said Ms. Robinson. "Let them know it's the world's greatest museum to chronicle this history."
The opening weekend promises to be an exciting one, with many events planned. Here's the schedule:
Friday, April 4
2pm: Forum, "The 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act," Hooks-Hyde Hall at the National Civil Rights Museum.
6pm: Candlelight vigil
Saturday, April 5
9am: Parade from the Cook Convention Center to the museum
11am: Grand reopening ceremony at the museum
Noon to 7pm: $5 museum tours
11am: Grand reopening ceremony at the museum
Noon to 7pm: $5 museum tours
3pm: African-American Heroes Tour, departing from B.B. King's
By Michael Flanagan.
By Michael Flanagan.
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